
I studied the Philippines for five years, then moved here. Here are some questions to ask yourself.

  • Do you want to be deeply loved?
  • Was the American Dream fulfilling?
  • Want to turn the clock back to the 60’s?
  • Do you love children? (Want more of your own?!)
  • Can you be happy in a simple, family-oriented life?
  • Are there friends and family, obligations, or responsibilities that you cannot leave or do without?
  • Do you want to have a outsized impact in the world?
  • Can you downsize your life to a pickup truck?
  • How healthy are you?

No right or wrong answers and no time limit, so long as your health holds out.

Love & Relationships ↗

God made Eve for Adam, but finding a great wife today isn’t so easy. Here are some indicators you’ve found a good one.

Moving to PH ↗

How to Downsize and Ship Your Entire Life to the Philippines, with instructions.

Building a House ↗

You gotta live somewhere. I live in the provinces with ‘average Filipinos.’ I’m building a house here.

This blog is about you – helping you decide if moving to the Philippines is right or wrong, and helping you get here if you choose to come.

If you want to know more about me, here’s a brief bio.

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