In 2023 I retired to the Philippines.

There were some surprises.

Companions for Life

When you enter into a relationship (even an LDR) with a Filipina, know that her objective is marriage. In my experience, Filipinas are loving, giving wives.

DIY Social Services

You’ll want to get insurance, bring your medical records and prescriptions, and have your finances in order. Your welfare is your responsibility.

Karen Doesn’t Live Here

Remember riding loose in the back of a pickup truck or station wagon? That’s OK here. Three or four people on a motorcycle? Go ahead, just be careful.

Virtual Tour ↗

There’s a reason you landed on this page.

Whatever your backstory is, your future can be very different. You can create a fulfilling life as a mentor, husband, father, teacher, coach, uncle or grandfather to people who appreciate who you are as a senior.